Art Therapy: Music
For some, the ability to heal comes through music. It can be playing an instrument, singing a song, writing a sonnet, or listening to music that is intentional through frequency and medley. Kievisiene, Jautakyte, Rauckiene-Michaelsson, Fatkulina, and Agostinis-Sobrinho suggest music therapy creates emotional support by focusing on ways to express psychological distress and feelings, thoughts, and challenges that are a part of tricky situations when an individual is going through treatments. The authors say that music therapy is a complementary health approach directed toward the physical, cognitive, mental, emotional, and social needs of an individual who has experienced anxiety, pain, depression, or other symptoms related to illness (Kievisiene et al. 2020). 
The beautiful thing about music therapy is that you do not need experience in the field of music to participate. A music therapist will discuss their background with music and identify goals that will benefit the patient. In the article Music therapy: What is it, types and treatment by the Cleveland Clinic, it is noted that the physical results of musical therapy are changes in heart rate, improved motor development, better sleep, and relaxation while also reducing asthma and pain. The article says spiritual music can open the door for the patient to explore spiritual beliefs while cognitively increasing coping skills through an added sense of control (2022). Music intervention is an essential resource for it is convenient, noninvasive, highly applicable, and can be done anywhere without the high cost or the need for advanced technological equipment.
Works Cited:
Kievisiene, J., Jautakyte, R., Rauckiene-Michaelsson, A., Fatkulina, N., & Agostinis-Sobrinho, C. (2020). The effect of art therapy and music therapy on breast cancer patients: What we know and what we need to find Out—A systematic review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020, 1-14.
Music therapy: What is it, types & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. (2022).

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